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Tynker Summer Code-A-Thon

In an earlier blog post, I shared my love of Tynker to stave off the dreaded "I'm bored" syndrome often experienced over a long summer break.

Today, Tynker launched a free Code-A-Thon for kids. Over the next 10 weeks, new weekly challenges will be launched. Kids will be engaged in creative and critical thinking through each challenge. They can publish and share their projects within the Tynker community in order to earn certificates and have a chance to win prizes.

I'm not sure who is more excited - me or my kids! I've limited their use of technology to just TWO hours a day. They can earn additional time for completing various tasks around the house or if they are using technology for learning purposes. When they realized Tynker counted as a learning opportunity, they were practically jumping up and down with joy. I hope you and your little learners enjoy this news as much as we did!

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